Interior design secrets for open plan living areas

The trend of open plan spaces (also referred to as open concept) has continued to grow and gain popularity. It’s a modern design movement that brings together living areas that would usually be separated by walls and doors to create a more accessible and sociable environment. 

Whether it’s combining the kitchen and dining areas, or linking the living room and home working spaces, depending on your home there could be a number of possibilities open to you. If you’re interested to transforming your home, take a look at our interior design secrets for open plan living areas to get some ideas on where to start. 

Include a feature for each area 

While you want the open plan living area to blend together, you also want each segment to have its own definition. The room as a whole will need a focal point as well as individual points that help draw the eye. For example, in the dining room area you may want to add in a gallery wall. Or you could accommodate space for a fireplace, built-in shelving or statement pieces of furniture. The end goal is to give each area its own complementary personality and character that makes sense within the larger whole. 

Put an emphasis on furniture 

Another way to bring character and definition to each part of the open plan design is to focus on the type of furnishings you position there. A simple but effective way to distinguish one section from another is to use rugs that complement each area. If you have a fireplace in the room (which could serve as the main focal point in the open plan) you can create a defined boundary around the living area by turning the sofa towards it. This identifies the space for what it will be used for and draws an invisible line around itself and other sections in the plan. 

Keep continuity in design

It’s important to ensure you maintain a consistency of design through the open plan space. Key areas such as the recessed lighting and flooring should have the same flow from section to section. Even if there are different colour palettes in adjoining sections, they should blend and complement each other. Add in highlights and accents that will make the transitions feel more fluid using different layers of textures and colour hues. 

Maintain open spaces 

Negative space is one of interior design’s best-kept secrets. It is defined as the empty space located around each element in the room and it plays a fundamental role in any successful layout, especially in open plan living areas. 

A key part of making the most of negative space is to avoid cluttering sight-lines with large pieces of furniture or accessories. For example, if you can see the kitchen from the sofa, avoid positioning anything that could block out the view. Also allow natural light to come into the space without obstruction by keeping window areas clear. 

While you don’t have to go full minimalist, open plan spaces do work best when there isn’t much clutter. The idea is to develop both functional and aesthetic value for each part of the room, so you don’t want to overwhelm your eye and wider vision of the space. 

Use colour coordination 

Good use of colour throughout the open plan space can help to create an adhesive whole, even if each segment has its own character and feature points. Colour consistency will help blend the various elements together, and because there is a fair amount of square footage to cover, it’s a good idea to use non-abrasive shades. Start with a neutral colour as the dominant tone and to maintain some visual interest add in one or two stronger hues. 

Aside from the colour, repeated use of patterns, prints and textures across the accessories in the open plan space will make everything feel more cohesive. Aim for at least one tie-in element in each section – it can be anything from soft furnishings to wall art. 

Interior design experts

If you live in the Cambridgeshire area and are thinking of creating an open plan living space in your home, Tereyn Architects are available to help. We have a team of expert designers ready to guide you through the process of planning and transforming your home. To find out more and to book a free consultation, get in touch today on 07984 760 920 or send us a message here and we’ll get right back to you.


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