Should I manage my self-build project myself?

Self-building a home doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. In most cases people choose to hire professionals to manage and build the property, although there is always the option to take charge of things yourself. To help you decide which option is best for you, take a look at the pros and cons of managing your self-build project. 

Main contractor 

The Expert 

Budget plays a key role in any self-build project and it will likely be at the front of your thoughts when considering how to proceed. While using a main contractor adds to the expense, you are paying for expertise and experience – both of which should become tangible in the quality of the finished build. 

Hiring a main contractor also gives you more assurance that things will be completed on schedule and to budget. They can use their experience to assess situations and implement cost-effective solutions on unexpected issues that will come up, saving you valuable time and money. 

The Self-builder

It can be a steep learning curve taking on a project as big as a self-build. From the outside it looks like a contractor does little more than schedule tradespeople – but there is much more the role than just that. A reputable contractor will also have a strong contact list of electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more that they’ve developed over the years. Starting from scratch yourself it will prove much more difficult to find experienced professionals at the price you want. 

Contracting is also an extremely stressful job and comes at high risk. Doing it all yourself can place a lot of extra strain on your personal and professional life. If you already have a busy lifestyle, it will get pretty hectic once you take on the load of a contractor. 

Project manager 

The Expert 

A big part of project management is being able to manage costs so you stay within budget. This comes with experience and is something a good quality project manager will be able control. Strong organisational skills should be at the top of your list when looking for a project manager, as they will have to keep on top of every element of the self-build in every phase. 

Bringing a project manager on board will mean that you won’t have to pitch in and roll your sleeves up. They will take care of things like accepting deliveries, site security, keeping the site tidy, material storage and temporary weatherproofing. 

The Self-builder

Project managing without professional help requires you to buy the materials (which contractors can get at trade prices) and hire and manage subcontractors on site. The purchasing of materials is a big responsibility because if it is not managed properly costs can quickly spiral out of control. Subcontractors are hired on a labour-only basis, and they will expect you to have all the materials on site for them to begin work. This is true of carpenters and bricklayers in particular, so you need to have a good idea of quantities and price points. 

The management of subcontractors involves ensuring they are keeping up with the schedule and the quality of their workmanship. If you are not experienced in either of these areas, you may find it difficult to meet deadlines and maintain quality control, which is vital for any self-build. 

Managing the entire build yourself


This option gives you more control over who works on the project, handpicking the people who will be responsible for completing the various phases. You will save yourself a lot of money by not hiring a contractor or project manager – some estimate it to be as much as 10-15% of the overall project cost. 

The money saved could be put towards materials and labour and improving the overall quality. You’ll also be able to take real pride in your creation, as once everything has been completed you can take a step back and feel proud that you were responsible for overseeing everything from start to finish.


The downside of managing the entire build is it will take a lot longer to complete, which can cause a lot more stress and disruption to your everyday life. There is a lot of work involved in building a home and the scale of the project can quickly become overwhelming. Because you are not a professional contractor or project manager it is more likely that mistakes will be made along the way – mistakes that could cost you a lot of money. 

Hiring a contractor or project manager gives you a non-biased view of the project as they have no emotional connection to the work. As it is your home, your heart may rule your head at times, leading you to make costly decisions that may have otherwise been avoided.

Get help with your self-build

Whether you choose to manage your self-build or leave it to the professionals, you will need help designing the property and dealing with the legal and technical issues that come up along the way. Get in touch with our team today for a free consultation and we can discuss your self-build project in more detail. Call us today on 07984 760 920 or send us a message here and we’ll get right back to you.


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